M2 (U20): Justify the choice of planned components by targeted media sector

Justification behind media choice of planned components


We have decided to include a billboard as one of our planned components of the Phizzwizard advertising campaign due to their usual location being in areas of high traffic and social interaction hubs. This increases the odds of a large volume of general public members viewing the ad resulting in a higher spike of interest from the general audience. This is great as it allows the campaign to effectively reach a decent chunk of this audience which is also part of our proposed primary and secondary target audience; which includes the younger teen/adolescent group and the more mature middle-aged demographic. Allowing viewers to see the ad in the mentioned social hubs can give us a better chance of beating our competitors as it creates a bigger public awareness and establishes a better brand identity in the consumers sub-conscious. Whilst billboards are often associated with massive panels in big cities such as New York's time square we can also consider to secure slightly smaller secondary billboards placed in less populated locations. While this might make a larger dent in our budget it will boost the physical/geographical surface area which the presence of our ad campaign covers. 

A smaller billboard situated by Twitch during it's re-branding campaign

Social Media Animation

A short animation located on Twitters
'For You' page, promoting the Disney+
streaming service

We have decided to include a form of social media marketing as part of our campaign media mix due to it having a massive reach and impact on society; especially the younger generation. In modern times, social media is used for far more rather than just social interactions. Platforms such as Twitter or Instagram are regularly utilised as a source of news and keeping in the loop for it's users, thanks to it's refined trending and hashtag functionalities. We have been specifically looking at social media animations, which can be posted directly to each of the product's social media accounts. In addition to this, we are planning to pay these platforms to promote our ad on their home pages, as seen on the right. These methods will give us the best of both worlds, as it will update users who might be following our product and are waiting for it's release, as well as make it's way to the platforms standard users who are unaware of the ad. This is good as it will allow the ad to make its way to viewers with more niche interests, who are still part of our proposed target audiences and age demographics. A social media animation is also able to be recycled, as we can turn it into a shorter secondary TV advert on channels where commercials are much more premium and scarce. This will give us an even bigger national reach whilst barely wasting any time or resources from the production phase.


The reason behind the choice of posters is that similarly to billboards, they can be located in areas of high public traffic, public transport and social hubs; where they can get the highest number of views and most attention. As opposed to billboards however, posters are much less costly and significantly easier to design, produce as well as set up. Based on their common locations, posters have the flexibility of being viewed from afar (slowly cementing themselves in the consumers sub-conscious) as well as from up close (where the consumer can take in the print's details and register more information). This is why poster's usually utilise a larger piece of text or graphic to catch the reader's eye, who is then given the choice whether to inspect the poster further and view some of the smaller features. Posters have been around for a much longer time than something like social media animations or TV adverts, which means we are much more educated on how to create a good design which will attract viewers, utilising a number of artistic and photography theories and methods. Posters are also another medium which thanks to social media can be recycled and shared across multiple platforms digitally.

TV Advert

A video commercial, specifically a TV advert was chosen as part of the campaigns media composition as we believe it's the best way to give a boosting kick to the campaigns launch attracting a decent sized group of initial consumers. Television is a type of media that average members of the general audience such as families consume. Within this collection it's certain that members of the campaigns proposed primary and target consumer demographics will be included. This opening group will act like a patient zero to the spread of the campaign and our brand awareness as they hopefully share the details of the ad to other people. A TV advert is also a good opportunity to create some cross-media promotion, as similarly to the social media animation, perhaps it can be turned into a Twitter or Instagram video which can be posted to each of our social media pages thus creating an even larger reach and a better brand identity.


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