
Showing posts from April, 2021

M3 (U20): Explain how the created media components comply with the codes and conventions of the media sectors & D2 (U20): How the technical and aesthetic properties of the adverts meet the requirements of the client brief and the pre-production plan you made

Codes and Conventions Whilst designing and creating our adverts we made sure to follow a variety of codes and conventions in order to make our campaign as successful and marketable as possible.  In total, three adverts were created as part of the overall campaign: An A2 sized printed poster which can be placed inside buildings as well as outside public spaces such as bus stop or train stations A large landscape billboard which is placed outdoors in highly visible positions such as city centers. A digital media graphic, which is the A2 poster recycled, and adjusted to fit a social media post. In order to make sure our adverts fit the standard codes and conventions of advertising we took some inspiration form existing and well established fizzy drink marketing campaigns. I will be going into further detail about this in this document A2 Printed Poster Posters that had a heavy inspiration on our own were those which portrayed some sort of splash surrounding the product, such as t...